“Beauty before me. Beauty behind me. Beauty above me. Beauty
below me. Beauty to the left of me. Beauty to the right of me. Everywhere I
walk, I am surrounded by beauty.” -Navaho wisdom-
Sixteen minutes from my front door lies a jewel of an island
and a bit of Florida little changed since the Timucuan Native American people
fished there. A sudden midday wanderlust took me across the Intracoastal Waterway
to Honeymoon Island, one of many barrier islands coughed up by the restless
comings and goings of the Gulf of Mexico.
My destination was out past the causeway restaurants and
kayak rentals, beyond the beach with its gaggle of Canadians working on their
tans. At the north end of the Island, I headed into the interior, a two-mile
nature trail and home to an amazing assortment of critters. Honeymoon Island might as well be named Osprey Island, for these big fish-hawks were everywhere – sitting nests too numerous to count, standing guard in nearby trees, or circling over the inlet, looking for lunch.
I was not the love it was looking for, so I left.
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